Monday, August 3, 2015

Windows 10 Upgrade

As you may know, Microsoft has released Windows 10.  It is available as a free upgrade for any Windows 7 or 8 devices.  We have already gotten a few users who have asked us if/when they should upgrade to Windows 10.  Though it is typically not advisable to rush out and upgrade the moment a new operating system comes out, since there are likely still some kinks that need to be sorted out, if you want to go ahead and upgrade you may do so.  
One nice feature of Windows 10 is that it comes with two web browsers: Microsoft's new browser (Edge) and Internet Explorer 11.  This is important from our perspective because you will still be able to use IE 11, which has been compatible with Matrix and Listingbook for a long time now, while the programmers finalize any compatibility issues with the Edge browser.  
You may also install Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari on Windows 10 and continue to use those browsers as well.
So, the short answer is, yes, you may upgrade to Windows 10.  Just be aware that you may not be able to use the Edge browser right away with Matrix and/or Listingbook and expect complete compability.
We will notify you once the Edge browser and Matrix and Listingbook are fully compatible. 

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