Friday, May 21, 2010

Using a Mac with RE/Xplorer and Paragon

If you'd like to get RE/Xplorer and Paragon to run on an Intel-based Mac, there are a couple of ways you can do that.
You can buy a copy of Parallels or Fusion, and either of those will let you run the Windows operating system.You will also need to buy a copy of Windows to install in one of those 2 programs, such as Windows 7.
Another way to get Windows running on a Mac is to use BootCamp, which is included with newer Macs, but then you have to reboot the computer each time you want to switch between the Mac or PC operating systems.
You would also still need to buy a copy of Windows to install with BootCamp, just like with Parallels or Fusion.

For more info (system requirements, etc.)
on Fusion, Parallels and Bootcamp, click the links below:

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