Friday, November 30, 2012

How to create a shortcut for Matrix on a Mac, iPad, and iPhone

On a Mac:

To make a shortcut to Matrix, go to and login to Matrix.

Once you're logged in, look for the address bar at the top of the screen,
where it says:

To the left of that address for Matrix, there will be a little icon.

Click-drag that icon on to the Mac desktop.

On an iPad:

You can create a shortcut within Safari on an iPad:

To make a shortcut to Matrix, go to and login to Matrix.

Once you're logged in, look for the address bar at the top of the screen,
where it says:

Tap the icon of the box with the arrow coming out of (it's to the left of the address field) and then tap  "Add To Home Screen".  If you'd like, you can then rename it, and then tap "Add".

On an iPhone:

Log in to Matrix.

Tap the icon that looks like a box with an arrow coming out of it at the bottom the screen.

Then you just tap "Add To Home Screen".

If you'd like, you can then rename the shortcut, and then tap "Add".

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